Sunday, February 04, 2007

Apam Cantik Manis

Made some of these tonight for a gathering with some friends tomorrow morning. It's been some time since I made these - used to make them back at my mum's place for my kids and nephews and niece. It was difficult for me to find the recipe for this but I would like to share this recipe with everyone and anyone who love these soft apams, just like me.


3 cups flour
3 eggs
2 cups sugar
1 cup ice cream soda
1 Tbs ovalette
1 tsp vanilla essence (optional)
some food colouring; red or/and green

Start water boiling in steamer. Mix all ingredients above in a bowl using a mixer until batter becomes white and fluffy (looks similar to bahulu batter). Divide into separate bowls for separate colours. Spoon mixture 3/4 full into apam cups lined with paper cups. Steam for 10 mins.


At 6:02 AM, Blogger david santos said...

This work is very good
Thank you

At 8:49 AM, Blogger D said...

Why have only stumbled onto you now?? Order apam boleh? eeee.. my kids sure seronok kalau i buat apam kat UK ni!

At 3:05 AM, Blogger Izan Syahriah said...

kat mana nak jumpa ovallette in UK ek? ada jual kat sainsbury/asda/tesco ke?

At 4:26 AM, Blogger Halwafy said...

david santos: thanks :)

d: sila cuba D..

Izan: takdak lah kat UK..kena import dari Malaysia...tak tau lah kalau ada kat Chinatown kat ljavascript:void(0)
Publish Your Commentondon tu..but I hardly ever go there. And I don't know abt Coventry (u'r in Coventry as well, right??)

At 5:33 PM, Blogger Sue said...

I usually susah nak dpt dat 'open flower effect' when I make these. I think I try your recipe pulak, thanks

At 5:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

would like to ask you for a simple cake icing recipe which I can use to decorate kids to share

At 3:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi dik.. ingat nak lalu je, now im glued reading your food blog pulak. definately will try buat apam ni.mcm senang je :) btw, i saw birthday wishes kat cbox, so Happy Birthday jugak!

At 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks a million! I gave ur recipe to my sis and to our joy, it was a success... apam pecah 6 bukan 3 (Boleh kata world record ke ni?) :) Dah lama buat apam ni hampir 20 tahun, tapi selalu bermasaalah. Tak kembang, keras, dan kena guna special acu dan kertas yang melecehkan. Now it's 10x much easier and never fails to delight us

At 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


ad agantian lain tk selain avallette..?
kt japan takder @ tk pernah jumpa lagi ovallette ni ...

terima kasih ..Tg. Uja..japan


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